Name *FirstLastEmail *1) Do you feel that you need a cigarette, drug or alcohol in order to function? *YesNoSometimesAlways2) Do you feel that you need a lot of tea/coffee to go by your day and energy? *YesNoSometimesAlways3) Do you feel that you need to check your mobile phones every time? *YesNoSometimesAlways4) Can you live a day without WhatsApp, Facebook or any kind of social media or calls? *YesNoSometimesAlways5) Have you ever lied about your use of drugs, cigarette alcohol? *YesNoSometimesAlways6) How many social media sites you have accounts with? *YesNoSometimesAlways7) How many times a day do you look at social media? *YesNoSometimesAlways8) How much time do you spend on social media per day? *YesNoSometimesAlways9) How often do you post on social media? *YesNoSometimesAlways10) When do you access social media? *YesNoSometimesAlwaysNameSubmit