Name *FirstLastEmail *1) HIV and AIDS are the same *YesNoI don't know2) There is a medicine to PREVENT the transmission of HIV *YesNoI don't know3) A person living with HIV has a limited time to live *YesNoI don't know4) A person who has HIV will have AIDS later *YesNoI don't know5) Do you agree for HIV pre-testing before marriage? *YesNoI don't know6) Are you aware of the EMERGENCY PILL? *YesNoI don't know7) Do you know anyone living with HIV? *YesNoI don't know8) Are you okay being friend with HIV positive person? *YesNoI don't know9) Would you share food and drinks with HIV positive person? *YesNoI don't know10) HIV can only be transmitted sexually *YesNoI don't know11) Can a person get HIV from a mosquito bite? *YesNoI don't know12) Is blood transfusion a significant source of HIV transmission? *YesNoI don't know13) Are condom 100% effective in controlling of HIV? *YesNoI don't know14) If a pregnant woman becomes infected with HIV, her child will also be born with HIV *YesNoI don't know15) Can a person die with HIV/AIDS? *YesNoI don't know16) Is there a cure for HIV/AIDS? *YesNoI don't know17) Can a person with HIV look healthy? *YesNoI don't know18) Have you ever heard about medicines for HIV/AIDS? *YesNoI don't know19) Medicines can cure HIV/AIDS? *YesNoI don't know20) Medicines can prolong the life of people infected with HIV/AIDS *YesNoI don't know21) People with HIV should be ashamed of themselves *YesNoI don't know22) People with HIV cannot have more than one partner *YesNoI don't know23) I would feel ashamed if I were infected with HIV *YesNoI don't know24) People with HIV should be expelled from their community *YesNoI don't know25) Are you aware of any programs from the Indian Government that are intended to help prevent infection with HIV/AIDS? *YesNoI don't knowWebsiteSubmit